Rental Assistance
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development offers housing vouchers to non-elderly disabled families to help qualifying families pay their rent. Those in these programs may also qualify for the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program, a service that provides money to pay utilities.
Phone: (877) 764-5798
Counseling and education regarding tenant and landlord rights and responsibilities. Eligibility may apply.
Phone: (508) 752-5519
Address: 6 Institute Road, Worcester, MA 01605
Subsidized housing and rental assistance. Eligibility based primarily on household income.
Phone: (978) 829-1890
Address: 718 Main Street, Fitchburg, MA 01420
Provides cash to assist renters facing eviction. Funding is limited and not always available. Eligibility varies and must have a 14 day notice to quit.
Phone: (978) 343-5706
Address: 356B Broad Street, Fitchburg, MA 01420
NewVue has focused on helping small businesses reopen and launching an eviction prevention program so tenants can stay in their apartments and homeowners will not lose their home to foreclosure.
Phone: (978) 288-0210
Address: 470 Main Street, Fitchburg, MA 01420
Financial assistance for home/rental heating costs. For homeowners & renters. Call to confirm all required documentation that must be provided to determine eligibility.
Phone: (978) 342-4520
Address: 473 Main Street 3rd FL, Fitchburg, MA 01420
Pursues enforcement action in cases of housing discrimination. For anyone with a fair housing complaint.
Phone: (800) 827-5005
Address: Thomas P. O’Neill Jr. Federal Building, 10 Causeway Street Rm 321, Boston, MA 02111