Equipment, Technology, and Communications
State agency that can assist consumers with disabilities with disputes or issues that they have with their landline telephone and or cable service.
Phone: (800) 392-6066
Address: 1000 Washington Street, Suite 600, Boston, MA 02118
Here you can look for or list Assistive Technology devices for sale or for free. This online public database reflects the inventory of devices currently available.
Provides low interest loans to qualified people with disabilities and their families to purchase assistive technology devices and services that will help them lead more independent lives.
Phone: (800) 244-2756 X428 or X431
If you are a Massachusetts resident with a permanent disability that in the majority of circumstances limits your ability to use the telephone effectively you may be eligible to receive assistive telephone equipment / adaptive communication equipment at a reduced rate. Under the program, equipment is available to individuals who have cognitive, hearing, motion, speech or vision impairments.
Phone: (800) 300-5658
The Commonwealth’s Initiative to Maximize Assistive Technology in Consumer’s Hands. MassMATCH assists individuals with disabilities, family members, and disability-related providers, agencies and organizations across the state with getting AT through the following programs: device demonstration program, device short term loan program, device re-utilization program and state financing activities. MassMATCH’s website provides a wealth of information on AT services for people of all ages with disabilities.
Phone: (877) 508-3974 / (617) 204-3851 / (617) 204-3815
Free telephone directory assistance exemptions and operator assistance exemptions are available for Verizon customers in Massachusetts if you are blind or low-vision, or mobility impaired. For additional information and application call Verizon Center for Customers with Disabilities.
Phone: (800) 974-6006